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Monday, May 20, 2024

Vedix launches revolutionary Base+Booster customisation for hair model

India’s largest Ayurvedic customised beauty tech brand Vedix announces the launch of base + booster oils to address 360 degree hair concerns. Vedix is the fastest growing D2C beauty brand, which has brought unadulterated Ayurveda led customisation of beauty regimes to the market. The Company has also launched a digital marketing campaign to introduce this latest innovation.

Vedix Base and Booster oils take customization a notch above. The brand firmly believes in customizing all its products based on individual needs. Customization is inherent to Ayurveda. Over the years, Vedix has strived to address hair and skin problems with tailor-made customized solutions.

Ayurveda knows no two individuals are the same. Thus, offering the exact solution to seemingly similar hair troubles is not the best way to heal an individual. The very first thing Ayurveda does is to:  know you. The subtle, fine-tuned customizations done by evaluating an individual in their entirety make Ayurvedic products unique and compelling.

The Base oils are a blend of high-quality cold-pressed oils like coconut, sesame, castor, argan, jojoba, etc. The base oils are customized based on your scalp type. Vata dosha results in a dry scalp. Pitta dominants may have sensitive, oily scalp. Kapha dosha causes a sweaty, oily, and itchy scalp. The Base oils being a perfect blend, help alleviate the doshas, and nurture your unique scalp type. A healthy scalp translates into healthy, voluminous hair growth.

Vedix Boosters are potent herbal extracts. Traditional Taila Paka Vidhi is employed to maximize the yield of the extracts in oils. Each herb has a broad spectrum of active principles, which are often soluble in various mediums like oil, water, milk, and alcohol. Taila-Paka Vidhi involves using various media to absorb maximum active principles in the end product.

Each herb targets a specific hair problem. You can choose up to 3 boosters for your most encountered hair problems. The available boosters are Amalaki booster oil, Bringaraj booster oil, Brahmi booster oil, Durva booster oil, Japa booster oil, Gunja booster oil, Yashtimadhu booster oil, Datura booster oil, Nirgundi booster oil, Methika booster oil, Musta booster oil and more to be launched soon.

Vedix base plus booster range is now live on top marketplaces like Amazon, Flipkart, Myntra, Purplle and Trell.

Jatin Gujrati, Business Head – Vedix, says, “We at Vedix believe that we are the true inheritors of the 5000 year old Ayurvedic legacy of Vagbhata & Charak and are blessed by Dhanvantri. Given our understanding of the Ayurvedic scriptures, we are bringing this exclusive range in a modern format customised for all hair types.”

Here’s how it works.

For eg. If your hair concerns are greying, hair regrowth and revitalising scalp. Take Amla (for greying), Bhringraj (for hair growth) and Durva (for revitalizing the scalp). Mix this in the base oil that suits your scalp and hair type, supplied in highly convenient and thoughtful packaging.

Et Voila! Your perfectly customized hair oil is ready, targeting your specific needs.

“With base and booster oils, one is basically cutting out all the unnecessary frou-frou that a generic product may have. Instead, you have a potent concoction that is exactly what your hair needs”, adds Jatin.

A base booster is 30 times more potent than regular hair oil. And perhaps 100% more effective, because it’s exactly what your hair needs. Vedix with a current run rate of Rs 160 crore, adds close to one lakh new customers every month. With the launch of base + booster model, the company aims to witness at least 20% growth in the new customer additions m-o-m. Of this, a majority is expected to come from the marketplaces. In future this model could be taken Offline.


Base oil: Rs 499

Booster: Rs 299

Can be bought separately or together

About Vedix : World’s first customized Ayurvedic beauty & wellness brand

Vedix is an Ayurvedic beauty & wellness brand that provides customised Hair, Skin care, and Wellness regimes. Vedix’s unique proposition is to curate products to suit each individual’s ¬body characteristics, as identified by their doshas. The core of Vedix is the Tridosha theory of Ayurveda. Every person is born with their unique set of Doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) that make their Prakuriti, and true Ayurvedic solutions are customized to address each individual’s uniqueness. Vedix seeks to achieve this by understanding one’s Prakuriti and skin/hair/body concerns through a questionnaire, and then leverage machine learning and artificial intelligence-driven technology to craft individualized products.

The concept of customization is very new to the Indian lifestyle and wellness landscape, and Vedix endeavors to break the notion of one size fits all, as well as the vicious cycle of trial and error that leads to unsatisfactory results. Vedix is the first and only one working at providing customized Ayurvedic solutions in this space.

Over the last few years, Vedix has created a dominant position in the Indian D2C hair care market with their range of customised Ayurvedic oils, serums and shampoos. It is also India’s first skincare brand to launch 100% edible grade non foaming cleanser made with high quality ingredients. Vedix aspires to evolve the brand that continues to innovate in the area of modern Ayurveda. The Company has launched a range of products in new categories and are available on Amazon India, Trell, Myntra, Flipkart, Tata Cliq and Purplle.

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